M5 competition

发布于 2024-10-05 / 11 阅读 / 0 评论 /
M5 competition M5 competition项目是根据沃尔玛美国各个门店的销售数据(开放数据集),来对两个28天的时间段内的门店&商品的销售额进行预测 Github地址:https://github.com/Vincent-Yu-83/M5_competition Table of C

M5 competition

M5 competition项目是根据沃尔玛美国各个门店的销售数据(开放数据集),来对两个28天的时间段内的门店&商品的销售额进行预测


Table of Contents

1. 数据集介绍

  • calendar.csv - Contains information about the dates on which the products are sold.(提供商品销售的日期信息)

  • sales_train_validation.csv - Contains the historical daily unit sales data per product and store d_1 - d_1913

  • sample_submission.csv - The correct format for submissions. Reference the Evaluation tab for more info.(提交文件样本文件)

  • sell_prices.csv - Contains information about the price of the products sold per store and date.(门店的商品在某一天的价格信息)

  • sales_train_evaluation.csv - Available once month before competition deadline. Will include sales d_1 - d_1941

  • 数据集下载地址:https://www.wen1tech.com/datasets/M5_datasets.zip

2. analysis.py

  • 基础数据分析

3. feature_engineering.ipynb

  • 数据特征分析和提取

4. LightGBM_simple.py

  • LGBM简单实现

5. LGBM.py

  • LGBM分析数据并输出结果

6. LightGBM_poisson.ipynb

  • LGBM实现泊松分布计算

7. LightGBM2.ipynb

  • LGBM分析商品类别分布和预测

8. XGBoost.py

  • XGBoost基础实现数据分析并输出结果

9. CatBoost.py

  • CatBoost基础实现数据分析并输出结果

10. LGBoost.py

  • LGBoost基础实现数据分析并输出结果

11. tabtransformer.py

  • tabtransformer基础实现数据分析并输出结果

Getting Started

$ git clone https://github.com/Vincent-Yu-83/M5_competition.git
$ pip install jupyterlab
$ pip install ipykernel
$ pip install pytorch
